viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Blog Post # 3

Blog #3

At first of chapter 5 we see something interesting there in the morning ritual sharering there dreams and Jonas Participate that intreasting because he rarely participate. He shared his dream whit fiona and were they bath they old. Then in the ceremony of 12 were they assaing each kid a job. Jonas was number 19 but the elders skipped him, this make him feel fear and anxity. At the end of the ceremony the elders apologies to him and told him he was going to be the next reciver of memories. Wich it was a very important job in community. 

In This Book I find a very intresting quote in page 63. "The Fourth Essential Attribute Is Wisdom"
This was a very interesting quote because it like shows that a leader must be wise to take good desicions. The elders might choosed him because he they trust that him is going to Make good desicions. 

I Think this Book is very interesting and fun to read i recomend this book for mature people because it got delicate themes such as puberty. Also for readers who want to read about distopia becausee this book is similar to other distopia boos such as the hunger games, divergent and others. 

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