viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014

Blog Post # 5

Chapters 13 To 16  

Jonas Continues to See colors but he has star  seen more to see them more often. He is seeing many colors. Jonas is also trying to make others see his memmories but he fails. Then the Giver Show him the 


Since that momment the Giver star giving Jonas memories of Plesure and of Pain. One day Jonas find the giver with terrible pain so the Giver Pass Jonas the memorie of warfare and Death. One night Jonas had to sleep with baby Gabe. Accidently Jonas touch baby Gabe and pass to him the memorie of warfare. 


Then the Giver apologize for the bad memories. And since then the Giver just pass jonas good memories.

I Think this Chapters were the best till now because the introduce us to the rising action. I also predict  that the Giver Will die and Jonas would become the Giver and Sincee Gabe also can see colors he is going to e the next reciever of memories 

2 comentarios:

  1. Juan Martin i also was thinking the same thing that baby Gabe is going to be the next reciever because if the memorie that Jonas pass to him when he was criyngI.I chao e a question do you think in so e chapter of the book is going to said what they do at the release center?

  2. Juan Martin, I agree with you when you say that Gabe will grow to be the next receiver of memories because he was able to receive Jonas memories.
